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Ten Minute Tasks to Get Your Home Everyday Clean

One of the reasons so many of us put off cleaning and organizing tasks for so long is because we think we don’t have time. There is an idea out there that unless you have a huge chunk of time to get it ALL done there is no point in starting a cleaning or decluttering project.

So, you put it off. But the truth is you may never get that big chunk of time you think you need. An everyday clean house is much more attainable if you break tasks into smaller chunks.

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There is no need to spend all day cleaning. You can do it in just ten minutes a day. Check out this list of ten-minute tasks to get your home clean and organized.

everyday clean

Get Clean & Organized in Ten Minutes a Day!

Start with a List

Keeping your house clean and organized in ten minutes a day does take a few minutes of prep work. But you can do that in ten minutes too.

The next time you find yourself with a free ten minutes, make a list of all the areas of your home that you would like to clean and organize. If you can, consider and make note of how you could break these areas down into smaller chunks for cleaning. The examples below of ten minutes tasks may help.

Now post this list somewhere you can find it easily. This is an important first step. If you don’t make a list, you will likely spend the first half of your next free ten minutes trying to decide what to do and where to start. Make the list!

Gather Supplies

If your list of ten-minute cleaning tasks includes a quick bathroom wipe down or kitchen cleanup, have your cleaning supplies ready. Make organizing your cleaning supplies one of your first ten minute tasks so that you have everything close at hand at the start of your ten minutes

If you’re planning a drawer by drawer dresser declutter over time, have bags or boxes ready for things you’re planning to keep, things you’re planning to donate and things to throw away.

Use a Timer

A timer is a great way to accomplish more in ten minutes. You’ll be amazed by how easy it is to focus when you have a timer ticking telling you only have ten minutes.

You’ll find yourself trying to beat the clock. And if you want your kids to help, the timer is a great motivator. Make it a race to see who can pick up the most toys in ten minutes.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

If you struggle with cleaning maintenance tasks create a cleaning schedule. Make a schedule of which ten-minute task you will accomplish each day of the week. Or over a two week period for tasks that don’t need to be done weekly.

One of the most frustrating things about completing a major decluttering or house cleaning is watching all your hard work be undone as your family reverts to sloppy form.

Stop the backslide in its tracks with a schedule of ten-minute tasks to keep your home clean and organized for the long haul.

folded clothes in drawer

Ten Minutes Tasks for Organizing Your Home

1. Clean Off Your Desk

If you have a home office, take ten minutes to put things away so that your office is ready for you to sit down and go to work. File papers, throw out anything you don’t need and empty the trash can.

2. Declutter Your Clothes One Drawer at a Time

Decluttering your clothes can feel like a monumental task. But if you break it up into ten-minute tasks you can get it done in no time. Try tackling one drawer at a time when you have ten minutes. Or one small section of your closet.

3. Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet

Take ten minutes to sort through your medicine cabinet. Throw out expired medications and organize your shelves.

4. Organize Your Refrigerator

Throw out old and expired food. Wipe down the shelves and drawers.

5. Clean Out Your Junk Drawer

Throw out anything you no longer need. And put everything away in its proper place if the junk drawer isn’t really where it should be.

Ten Minute Tasks for Cleaning Your Home

6. Make the Bed

Seriously, make your bed. It doesn’t even take 10 minutes. More like two minutes. And it immediately makes your bedroom look neater and more pleasant.

7. Wipe Down Your Bathroom

You may not always have time to deep clean your bathroom but you can take ten minutes to do a quick wipe down. Wipe down sinks, faucets, tubs, the toilet. And immediately feel better about the cleanliness of your bathroom.

8. Sweep & Vacuum High Traffic Areas

When ten minutes isn’t enough to sweep or vacuum the whole house, focus on the high traffic areas most in need of a quick clean up.

9. Start the Dishes

Rather than tackle 30 minutes worth of dishes after dinner, if you have ten minutes during the day, wash a few dishes. Or wipe down the kitchen counters to give you a headstart for after dinner.

10. Dust

Dusting is a never-ending chore. Pick an area of your house to focus on and spend ten minutes dusting your shelves and knick-knacks.


Spending ten minutes a day cleaning and organizing your home will yield big results over time. And when you’re looking for it, ten minutes can be found at least once in even busy days.

Ten Minute Tasks to Get Your Home Everyday Clean


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