Moms everywhere are obsessed with Netflix’s “Get Organized.” Fellow moms, Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin are the brains behind this amazing series. The show is based on ideas from their home organizing company and best selling book, “The Home Edit.” These are my 5 key organizing takeaways that can help keep your own home neat and organized.
Binge and Purge
The very first organizing takeaway in any home organization endeavor is to purge! The first step is always to take out items that you no longer need or use. Joanna and Clea encourage people to take a long, hard look at the items in the space. From there, they are guided to get rid of anything just using up needed storage space.
The pair encourage repurposing of unwanted items to other areas of the home, donating them or having a yard sale. Joanna and Clea encourage people to let go of items they no longer want or need. However, alternate storage is encouraged for items that are still desired but not needed for everyday use.
The Rainbow Effect
On the show, Clea and Joanna organize the homes of celebrities like Reese Witherspoon and Khloe Kardashian. The ladies like to put things back in by a color-coded system they refer to as “the rainbow.”

The concept is as simple as it sounds: place clothing, accessory and shoe items back into the closet by colors. This practical organizing system is also very pleasing to the eye! The goal is to place every item first by type and then by color, creating a multi-faceted organizational system.
Label It Organizing Takeaway
Labeling storage items is important! Clea and Joanna go as far as making their own fonts out of their handwriting to put on boxes and bins in the spaces they organize.
If you aren’t that crafty, just use a pen and some index cards to label the front of storage containers. Keep in mind that labels can be customized to any size, color or item. This part of organizing can be super fun!
Work With What You Have
In several episodes, the ladies look at the empty closet, garage or kitchen they are working with and map out spaces for different items. Part of this process includes looking at the storage shelves, spaces and containers that the home owner already has.
By doing this, they are better able to decide what additional storage items must be purchased and what is already at their disposal.

Shelving units sometimes have removable shelves that can be changed out to accommodate the new system better. Whenever possible, it’s a great idea to use what you already have to save money and get organizing done faster!
Extra Hands
One thing I noticed while watching the show was the team of home organizers that work for them. With extra hands, they were able to get projects done quickly, efficiently and effectively. While you may not have a team of people that work for you, enlisting the help of friends or family to help get a space in tip top shape isn’t unrealistic.
Do you have a friend that knows how to make shelves? Ask him or her to stop by and give you a price quote for a custom piece. Or consider asking your kids to help out, even if you include the help into their allowance allotment.
For more organizing takeaways from Clea and Joanna checkout their book, business page and Instagram! And for more tips from the Organized Mom look here!