Everyone hates clutter in their kitchen! This could be a daunting task. It’s time to get the kitchen organized. I probably spend about 60% of my day in the kitchen. If the kitchen was full of clutter I would probably go stark raving mad! The kitchen should be functional. You should never have to dig through utensils to find the tools you are looking for. Ideally you should even be able to get at the tool or dish one-handed, as one hand may be busy doing something else in the kitchen.
Get Sorting!
This project works best as a big chunk, instead of one drawer/cabinet at a time. You can go one at a time, if you would like, the put away phase will just be a little more difficult. First, instead of emptying the entire area, take one item at a time and sort them into piles, don’t forget to pull everything off of the counter tops as well. The first pile will be for things you use at least once a week. Second pile will be for things you use less often but still use around once a month. Third pile will be for things you use once a year (such as holiday cookie cutters, etc.) One pile will be for items that need to be put away that don’t belong in the kitchen. The last pile will be in the TRASH!
Put it Away!
Now it’s time to put everything away. First take the pile of things that don’t belong in the kitchen and put them away. Second start with your once a year items. Place these items in a storage bin and place the bin in a high cabinet or other less accessible area. Next we will put away the less often used items. This will most likely include utensils and appliances. Place the utensils in a small storage bin and also place it in a less accessible area. You will also place the appliances there. Now we are left with only the items that are used frequently.
When you think about the best place to put the items, ask yourself one question, “Where would I automatically go for this item?”. These places need to be in very easy to find and reach locations. You also should never have to lift anything up to get at the things you need. So don’t store things that aren’t similar on top of each other. If necessary purchase cupboard shelves that will give you more accessible space in the cupboard.
Finally have the organized junk drawer and kitchen cabinets that you have always dreamed of! I hope this gives you a jumping off point to get your kitchen organized and perfectly functional.
Finally have the organized junk drawer and kitchen cabinets that you have always dreamed of! I hope this gives you a jumping off point to get your kitchen organized and perfectly functional.
Amy Driehorst
Monday 2nd of November 2009
We just finished our complete kitchen remodel after winning a contest. It was so great to take 13 years of disorganization and clutter out and be able to start over! My favorite tip...try to put your dishes, cups and silverware in cupboards adjacent to the dishwasher. I can unload 90% of the dishwasher without taking a step!