Getting ready to go back to school? Moving bedtime up before school begins is important. Here’s why:Transitioning from a summer schedule to a school schedule is hard on parents and kids alike. Instead of lazy mornings hanging out in PJ’s, there are early wake-ups with a rush to make it to the bus stop on time.
Plus, a new routine, new teacher, new class assignments and getting back to working all day at school can be exhausting for kids. Your best bet to avoid tired grouchy kiddos during the first week of school is to give them an earlier bedtime before school even starts. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
Tips for Moving Your Child’s Bedtime Up Before School Starts
Here are some tips that are great when it comes to moving your child’s bedtime up before school starts.
Move Bedtime Up Slowly

Image by stine moe engelsrud from Pixabay
Move bedtime up in small increments, maybe 10 or 15 minutes earlier each night. If you send your child to bed an hour earlier than normal, they probably won’t fall asleep anyway. Working in small increments will help their bodies adjust.
Start As Soon As Possible
If school is approaching quickly, start moving the bedtime hour up tonight!
Shorten the Bedtime Routine

Photo by Marisa Howenstine on Unsplash
To help you get those kiddos in bed and to sleep earlier, see if you can shorten the bedtime routine. Instead of 2 books, just read one. Instead of a long, fun bathtime, switch to a quicker shower, or a bathtime with a time limit and limited or no toys.
Get Them Moving

Image by Ainuddin Chalik from Pixabay
Help your kids fall asleep faster by tiring them out. These last summer days are great for getting out of the house and enjoying the weather. Why not go for a family walk or bike ride after dinner. Hit up the park or play a game of kickball or wiffleball in the back yard.
Wake Them Up
In order for your kids to get to sleep earlier, they need to be tired at night. Start waking them up earlier each day. This will not only help their bodies adjust to the wake-up time for school, but it will also have them feeling tired closer to the school year bedtime.
Kids will handle their first days of school much better if they are well-rested. Use the tips above to start moving bedtime up starting today. Not only will you appreciate happier, less tired, less grouchy children, but your kids’ teachers will appreciate it too.