Anti-reflective glasses are a lifesaver for a lot of people, including computer users and drivers.
They’re designed to improve vision and eliminate the glare that reflects from lights. If you own a pair of anti-reflective eyeglasses, you’re one of the lucky ones. But you’ll want to put some effort into cleaning them to ensure they stay in excellent condition.
Handling these glasses roughly may result in damaging them, and trust me; nothing is worse than a pair of impaired glasses!
I’ll show you how to clean eyeglasses with anti-reflective coating in a few steps.
5 Steps to Clean Your Anti-Reflective Eyeglasses
The process is easier and quicker than you think. You’ll only need your glasses, some water, and a cleaning solution. Let’s see how it’s done!
Step 1 – Prepare for the Process
The first thing you should do is choose a place near to a sink to save time. Plus, you don’t want to get water all over the place. Next, you set up the materials you’ll need, which are a cleaning solution, a microfibre cleaning cloth and some lukewarm water.
If you don’t have a cleaning solution it is easy to make homemade eyeglass cleaner safe for coated lenses. Just use a tiny bit of dish soap and lukewarm water.
If you are going to make homemade eyeglass cleaner for coated lenses, just make sure it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals; such as rubbing alcohol or ammonia. Alcohol can damage the anti reflective coating on your lenses.
An eyeglasses-cleaner or dish soap is generally better because it won’t damage the anti-glare coating on the lenses.
Step 2 – Rinse Your Lenses
After you prepare your materials, it’s a good idea to rinse your hands to ensure no contaminants will get on the lenses. This step is essential because if your hands aren’t clean, the whole process will go down the drain.
Next, pass the lenses under lukewarm water until you’re sure there are no dust particles on it. Make sure the water is at a moderate temperature, though. Extra hot water can damage the anti-reflective coating, and cold water won’t clean well.
Step 3 – Add the Cleaning Solution
Make sure to put the cleaning solution on the lenses only. Don’t spread it everywhere. Also, don’t put large amounts; just add a bean-sized amount on each lens. Afterward, use your fingers to massage the solution into the lenses thoroughly in circular motions. Don’t stop until you’re sure the solution is evenly spread on the lenses.
If you want to clean the frames and nose pad too, do the same thing. Spread the solution over them after you finish the lenses. Make sure to get the solution in every nook, so you can be sure the buildup oil will be gone.
If you’ll use a spray cleaning solution, you won’t need to massage around. Just spray it on the glasses and move on to the next step.
Step 4 – Rinse the Solution Off
After you make sure the cleaning solution has got every inch of the lenses, run your glasses under warm water to clean the soap off. Don’t turn the water on high pressure; let the stream pour gently over the glasses until the solution rinses away.
After you finish rinsing the glasses, hold it by its frame to the next step. Don’t touch the lenses with your hands to avoid smudging them. Additionally, look into the lenses to make sure the vision is clear. Sometimes, the remains of the solution won’t appear until you do so.
When you’re sure the glasses are 100% clear, move on to the last step.
Step 5 – Dry Your Glasses
You’ll do this step using the microfiber cloth. These cloths mostly come with your glasses when you buy them. However, if you lost yours or didn’t receive it in the first place, you can get one at any eyewear store.
Moving on, shake the glasses a little to get the excess water off. Afterward, dry the lenses carefully with the cloth until they’re shiny. Try not to get your fingers on the lenses. If you must, hold the glasses using the microfibre cloth.
Moreover, don’t use a regular towel to dry the lenses because it’ll likely have dust or contaminants on it. Microfibre material is the best cleaning option in these cases.
Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Your Anti-Reflective Eyeglass Lenses
There are a few tips that you’d want to follow if you want your process to go smoothly without damaging your glasses.
- Don’t use cleaning solutions that contain alcohol and ammonia
- Don’t touch the anti-reflective lenses unless you clean your hands first
- Don’t use regular fabrics or towels to dry the lenses; only use microfiber fabrics
- Don’t clean the glasses with hot water
- Don’t wipe your glasses while they’re dry; to avoid tiny scratches
- Don’t leave your glasses lying on your vanity. Perfume splatters can ruin the anti-reflective layer
- Don’t huff on your glasses to clean them. You’ll get air particles on the lenses which can damage them
- Don’t wipe the glasses using your clothes. You may not see it, but our clothes are full of tiny germs
- Don’t use saliva to wipe your glasses as it won’t have any cleaning effect
- Develop a cleaning routine for your glasses, so they don’t get discolored
- Repeat the cleaning process every few days to avoid grease buildup
- Always move around with a microfiber cloth
- Get a travel-size spray cleaner” and carry it everywhere you go
- Check that your cleaning solution works for anti-glare coatings
- Store your glasses in regular temperature to preserve the anti-glare coating
- Keep your glasses in a
- cover or case if you’re keeping your glasses in a bag
- Opt for high-quality anti-reflective lenses, so you don’t have to replace them every few months
How to care for eyeglasses with anti-reflective coating
Anti-reflective glasses need extra care because the coating is delicate. Anything can ruin it, such as chemical elements or extra hot water. They’re also more expensive than regular lenses. So, you don’t want to replace them frequently.
That’s why you should follow the gentle cleaning process I just showed you. If you clean your lenses every few days and keep them away from harmful substances, their lifespan will be longer than you think.
When it comes to learning how to clean eyeglasses with anti reflective coating, the process couldn’t be any easier, and is simple to follow. While it may seem like a lot of work at first, the anti reflective coating is worth it!