How to clean makeup brushes and Why!
Oh yes, that task we all know we should do more but don’t- cleaning makeup brushes! It seems to be a common beauty task everyone forgets about, but also one of the most important! So what’s the big deal? Why should you clean your makeup brushes?
They still work just fine if you don’t, right? Today we have makeup artist Lauren Peterson to give us the low-down. Lauren is the ultimate resource on all things makeup. And after what she has to say, you will want to rush into your bathroom and scrub your makeup brushes!
Why do I want to clean my makeup brushes anyway?
Every time that your brush makes contact with your face it is a chance for bacterial to collect on your brush. This can cause breakouts or rashes, which we don’t want of course. And the most product that collects on a brush will hinder the function of the brush. Then you end up using more product than necessary and then you are wasting product.
How often should I clean my makeup brushes?
Deep clean your brushes once a week. But spot clean them everyday. What is spot cleaning? Spot cleaning is taking color off your brushes by only cleaning the tops, not the necks of the brushes. You can use this fancy stuff called Cinema Secrets and it is quick drying (we are talking 10-15 seconds) and perfect for spot cleaning.
You can also get a rough kitchen scrubber and brush your brushes on that. It almost acts like an exfoliator, taking color off. Even better, do you have one of those hair donuts for making a perfect bun? Those have the right amount of grab and are great for spot cleaning too.
There are a lot of fancy makeup brush cleaning tools out there. Do I need to use those?
You don’t! Honestly, using your hand is just as good. If you are washing brushes often, you don’t need fancy tools. If you are still interested in a fun, fancy tool, here is a great under $5 option. It’s called the brush egg.
Can cleaning them eventually ruin them?
This is where it’s worth buying quality brushes. If you buy cheap brushes from the drugstore, they are going to fall apart pretty quickly. But if you invest in some good brushes, which actually don’t have to be expensive, they will stand up to weekly cleaning and still give you fantastic results.
What are some good brands of makeup brushes you recommend?
I will give you three options.
- Morphe Copper Dream Brush Set. This set is one that will last for years and years.
- A great set for beginners. This is great set for people just starting to delve into the world of makeup that are cost effective.
- Real Techniques Makeup Brushes. These can be bought at Ulta instead of having to wait for something to come in the mail. They don’t have to be bought in a set, which means you can pick and choose what you want!
Let’s get down to it and quickly go over how to clean makeup brushes without using any fancy tools.
- Get your brush wet and then add a little bit of dish soap and a drop or two of olive oil to your palm.
- Scrub your brush in your hand and lather up! Rinse and repeat until there is no more color coming from your brushes.
- Once rinsed clean, squeeze your brush down making sure your are pushing the brush back into it’s shape.
- Lay the clean brushes on a towel and leave them overnight to dry.
See?! Easy, huh?
Are you feeling the urge to clean your makeup brushes and baby them a little better? I know I am. Here’s to better makeup application, clearer skin and fresher faces! Hip hip hooray! Thank you, Lauren!