We put together an easy list to help you learn how to have a successful garage sale. The warm weather seasons are filled with fun outdoor activities for the entire family. It is also a great time to clean and organize your home. While you are in the process of doing so, you might accumulate a large amount of stuff you want to get rid of. One great option would be to have a yard or garage sale!
How to have a successful garage sale:
Clean House
Now that you’ve got the bug to have a yard sale, it’s time to start your inventory for the sale! By going through every closet, bedroom and living area in your home, you should be able to downsize and start the pile of stuff to be sold in the sale. Ask your children to go through their stuff too! Encourage everyone to get rid of a few items that they may want to make a little bit of money on.
Get Everything Ready
Once you have the items that you are going to put into the sale, it’s time price and organize them. Some items you should purchase or make before are: yard/garage sale signs, pricing tags, anything else that can draw attention to your house so customers can easily find it (streamers, balloons, etc.) You are also going to have to plan out where you are going to set your sale items. Will you use tables? If so, do you have enough tables for everything to set upon? Some tables can be purchased at local department stores for a decent price.
But, if you are short on cash or don’t want to buy tables just for a yard sale, consider contacting your local party rental store to see how much tables would be to rent. Also, in some cases, churches, town halls or fire stations may lend members or townspeople tables with the understanding that they will transport and return them in a timely manner and in the same condition. Another idea is to lay several tarps on the ground in your front yard and set sale items on top of the tarp. Customers can walk around the tarps to view items and you don’t have to worry about tables. Boxes serve a similar purpose to this too!
Advertise and Initiate
With the world becoming more and more digital, some of the best places to advertise for your yard or garage sale is on several social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. You can create ads and post pictures on online sales group on Facebook. The same thing can be done on your local Craigslist. These are quick, easy, and freeways to let people know that you are having a sale. Listing the sale in the local newspaper or simply word of mouth still work pretty effectively too!
Also, don’t forget to put the signs you previously made/bought on main highways and intersections close to your house. You can be sure to draw in customers driving on those busy roads! Once you have your advertising done and everything in the sale marked with a price and placed where you want it, go ahead and open! Weekends tend to work best for yard sales as that’s when most people are off of work, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to open them in the evenings leading up to the weekend to catch commuters just getting off work!
Once your sale is complete, box up items you want to save for your next sale. Other stuff you just want to get rid of, place at the end of your driveway with a “free” sign. Alternatively, leftover items can also be brought to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.