Using a bullet journal is a great way to develop and improve on your habits. One habit that is a great one to build and work on is reading.
It can be hard to find the time to sit down with a good book, but there are plenty of reasons to make reading a regular habit. For one thing, reading helps to improve your concentration and focus. It also allows you to escape from the stresses of day-to-day life and enter into a world of your own.
In addition, reading can help to improve your writing skills. As you read, you’ll encounter new words and ideas that will enrich your own vocabulary and make you a more interesting and well-rounded writer. So if you’re looking for an enjoyable way to improve your mind and your writing, picking up a book is a great place to start.
It can be hard to find time to read during your busy day and build this habit, which is where a reading bullet journal comes in. A reading journal can help you keep track of how much you are reading, and making time to do it.
What should be in a reading bullet journal?
The beauty of bullet journaling is that your can put whatever you want in your bullet journal about reading. Here are some ideas to help you become more of an avid reader and build those reading habits:
- Lists of books you want to read
- List of books you have already read
- How much time you’ve spent reading in a day
- Monthly reading tracker of how many days you have read
- Book reviews
- Favorite books
- Favorite quotes you’ve read
How do you start a reading journal?
If you are new to bullet journaling or new to reading, you may want to start a dedicated notebook to act as your reading journal. This is a great idea, because you can really get inspired and create a few journal pages for each book you read, tracking things like your favorite quotes and how long it took you to read the book.
If you are already a seasoned journaler, you may just to choose to include your reading tracker in your existing journal. There’s no right or wrong way to start a reading journal!
Reading Bullet Journal Ideas
Ready to get inspired? Here are some great bullet journal spread for reading. I’ve divided these into a few different categories to really help you get inspired!
Monthly Bullet Journal Reading Spreads for Book Lovers
One of the most popular ways to track reading is on a monthly basis. This makes it easy to work on building the habit of reading and getting an at a glance view of how you are doing currently.
This Instagram post is full of reading inspiration and tracks books so many different ways!
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This is a super simple and super effective tracker to track which days in the month you have read.
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This is another monthly reading spread that makes reading simple to track.
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This monthly spread is great because it also tracks how many days it takes to read each book.
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If you’re working hard on building the habit of reading, try a spread like this with simple goals to break it down.
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I love this monthly bullet journal book spread because it also tracks ratings of books read. This can help you find more great books!
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This is a great book spread that is tracking the number of books read, along with ratings, genres and moods that go with it.
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Yearly Bullet Journal Book Spreads
Are you setting some yearly reading goals? These spreads can help you get there!
This amazing spread is the whole year read in pixles!
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This spread can help you get to your goal of reading 100 books a year!
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I love this spread that tracks the books read throughout the year, along with ratings.
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Bullet Journal Book Spreads
These spreads are more focused on individual books, which is great especially if you plan on starting a dedicated reading journal.
This spread dives into detail on each book, including date published, genre, format, and rating.
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This spread tracks books to buy, and is a great compliment to any reading bullet journal.
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This reading spread once again focuses on each individual book read.
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