Tired of all the focus being on the Easter eggs and Easter bunny? These 10 ways to help kids remember Christ at Easter might be just what you need.
Easter is a time of celebration and renewal for Christians as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For children, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of Easter egg hunts and chocolate bunnies.
It’s important to instill in children the true meaning of the holiday. Which is the triumph of Jesus over sin and death. This article will give you 10 ideas on how you can help kids remember Christ at Easter by fostering a deeper understanding of their faith and a meaningful connection to the Easter story.
Ways to Remember Christ at Easter
1. Tell the Easter Story
Begin by telling the Easter story in a way that’s engaging and age-appropriate for children. Use colorful illustrations, props, or even puppets to bring the story to life. Focus on key events such as Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, His crucifixion, and resurrection. Furthermore, emphasizing the love and sacrifice demonstrated by Jesus throughout.
2. Act Out the Easter Story
Christmas is the time we usually think of acting out a story about Jesus. Every Christmas Eve we dress up as Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, shepherds, and wise men to reenact the story of Christ’s birth.
We can also help kids remember Christ at Easter by encouraging children to act out the Easter story through role-playing or dramatizations. Assign roles for characters like Jesus, disciples, and bystanders, and allow children to reenact different scenes from the Easter story.

This hands-on approach helps them internalize the events of Easter and develop a deeper connection to the story.
3. Create Resurrection Crafts
Another way to help kids remember Christ at Easter is to engage Children in creative activities that reinforce the theme of resurrection. Provide materials for crafting projects such as making Easter cards with uplifting messages, decorating resurrection-themed cookies, or constructing empty tomb dioramas using clay or paper-mache. These crafts not only serve as fun activities but also serve as tangible reminders of Jesus’ victory over death.
4. Read Easter Book

Introduce children to age-appropriate books that focus on the Easter story and its significance. For example, the book “Celebrating A Christ-Centered Easter” which will take you through seven Christ-centered traditions inspired by the people closest to the Savior during His holy week. Reading these books together can spark meaningful conversations about faith and the true meaning of Easter.
5. Watch Videos of Christ
Utilize videos (such as this one from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) or movies that depict the Easter story in a visually compelling format. There are numerous resources available, ranging from short animated clips to full-length films, that portray the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in a way that resonates with children. Gather the family for a movie night and watch these videos together, like this one showing the resurrection from Mary Magdalene’s point of view, pausing to discuss key themes and lessons afterwards.
6. Participate in Easter Activities at Church
Take advantage of Easter activities and events hosted by your church or local community. Attend children’s Easter services, Sunday school classes, or special events such as Easter egg hunts or puppet shows that incorporate the message of Christ’s resurrection. These gatherings provide opportunities for children to learn, interact, and celebrate Easter in a faith-filled environment.
7. Memorize Scripture Verses
A great way to help kids remember Christ at Easter is by encouraging them to memorize key scripture verses related to Easter, such as John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Or this verse from the Book of Mormon in Alma 11:43, “The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time…”.
Break down the verses into smaller segments and practice reciting them together as a family. Consider creating fun games or activities that reinforce the memorization process, such as word scrambles, puzzles or memory verse races.

8. Plant Resurrection Gardens

Create a hands-on learning experience by planting resurrection gardens with children. Use a shallow container or tray filled with soil to represent the tomb, and add small plants, rocks, and miniature figures to depict the Easter story. As the plants grow and flourish, discuss how Jesus’ resurrection brings new life and hope to believers, just like the growth of the garden.
9. Serve Others in Jesus’ Name
Encourage children to be like Christ through showing Christ’s love by serving others in their family and community. Plan a service project together, such as volunteering at a local food pantry, visiting nursing homes to sing Easter hymns, or assembling care packages for those in need. Remind them of Christ’s characteristics which include compassion, kindness and selflessness. Then remind them to show those traits to others (especially their siblings) during the Easter season.

10. Foster Open Dialogue
Create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their thoughts and feelings about Easter. Engage in open conversations about the importance of Christ’s resurrection and why it matters to their lives. Encourage them to share their own experiences, insights, and observations, creating a better understanding and personal connection to their Savior.
By incorporating these simple and meaningful activities into your Easter celebrations, you can help children remember Christ and deepen their understanding of the true meaning of the holiday.
Whether through storytelling, crafts, service projects, or scripture memorization, each of these experiences offers opportunities for children to grow in their faith and develop a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ.