Like most moms, I spend a large portion of my weekly budget on groceries. And the older my kids get the more the grocery bill seems to be going up. I love the idea of using coupons to reduce my grocery bill and save a little money every week. But spending hours searching for coupons, clipping, and organizing isn’t something I can typically squeeze into a busy week. Nevermind shopping at multiple stores to get the best deals on each item. Who has time for that? But I don’t want to leave coupon savings on the table either. Luckily there is a middle ground between extreme couponing and throwing in the towel on saving money. Here are some great coupon hacks for busy moms to help reduce your grocery bill without spending all your free time bargain hunting and coupon clipping.
5 Easy Coupon Hacks for Busy Moms
1. Take Advantage of In-Store Coupons
In store coupons typically have a higher dollar value than manufacturer’s coupons and often you get them handed to you, literally. Target, Walgreens, Safeway, Kroger, and many other stores hand you coupons they print out along with your receipt when you’re paying for purchases. These are often tailored to your shopping list and will save you money on your next shopping trip.
If you have a membership card at your local Kroger store they mail out quarterly coupons based on items you’ve purchased previously and may purchase again. This is my number one source for coupons. There is always at least a few I can use. And the expiration is typically a couple of months out when I receive them. See if your local grocery store offers a similar program.
2. Designate a Place in Your Purse for Keeping Coupons
It doesn’t do you any good to save the coupons you receive in store or in the mail if you can’t find them when you’re standing at the register. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given up after digging through my purse at the register and coming up empty. What a waste!
After a few too many missed coupon opportunities, I found a small binder clip for my coupons and attached them to my wallet. Keeping my coupons accessible and always in the same place makes it much more likely I will actually get to use them.
3. Use Store Apps and Rebate Apps
Coupon and rebate phone apps are the number one way I save money on groceries. There are two types of apps you can use to save. First, many stores including Target and Kroger have digital coupons available on their store app. Scroll through their coupon list on your phone app and load coupons in just a matter of minutes before you go shopping.
Rebate apps are the second type of app I use. While not strictly speaking a coupon, rebate apps are a great way to save money on groceries. You simply add the app to your phone and check for rebates on items you buy. The money you save can be redeemed for gift cards or even cash via PayPal. My favorite rebate apps are Ibotta, Checkout 51, and MobiSave. I have saved hundreds of dollars over the last year with these apps.
4. Compare Prices and Be Flexible About Brands
There may be some items on your shopping list where you really prefer a specific brand. There is one type of laundry soap I always buy because I’ve used it for years, like the smell, and I know none of my skin sensitive family members are allergic to it. Even if I had a coupon for another brand, I wouldn’t switch. But this isn’t true for most household products I buy.
When you’re trying to get the most out of your in-store coupons and your rebate apps, check out what brands or products you will get the best prices on. There are a few things to check out before making a purchase.
- Do you have a coupon for any brand of the product you want?
- Is it a brand you like or will serve your needs?
- Does the coupon or rebate actually make it cheaper than other brands?
I’ve been fooled a few times by buying something because I had a coupon only to realize even with the coupon it was still not cheaper than other brands I would have been perfectly happy with. Not all coupons save you money. But it is usually worth a few minutes of your time to check.
5. Make a List with Coupons or Rebates as a Guide
When it comes to saving money on shopping, impulse buys are the enemy. Making a list of what you need and sticking to it will help you stay within budget. Making good use of coupons and rebates can help you take your savings a step further.
When you make your shopping list, look over your coupons and the rebates available on your rebate apps. Don’t add anything to the list you don’t need or want, but if there are things you were planning to buy anyway, make sure you choose the brand you have a coupon for if it gives you the lowest price. Or consider if you can use a coupon to stock up on a staple item. A few minutes of time spent making a shopping list and coordinating it with your available coupons will save you money on most any shopping trip.
Coupon Hacks to Save Money and Time
When it comes to coupons most of us love the idea but have trouble finding the time to organize and make the best use of them. All of these coupon hacks for busy moms take less than ten minutes to implement. You don’t need to spend hours scanning the ads and searching the internet for every last coupon. But using your time efficiently with these coupon apps will save you money without taking up a lot of time or requiring much effort. I hope these coupon hacks help save you money on your next shopping trip!