For most moms, Christmas traditions are important. This is because we have fond memories of the traditions of our childhoods. And we want to give our children these same nostalgic moments. The problem is that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make these traditions big, complicated, and perfect. Yet, in the eyes of our children, the most cherished traditions are usually simple things that we, as parents, don’t even notice. Here are some tips and ideas to help you create wonderful Christmas traditions for your family without stressing yourself out.
Tips to Create Christmas Traditions
According to, the word tradition means a customary or characteristic method or manner or something that is handed down. It doesn’t have to be something that takes a lot of time or planning. As long as it is something that brings joy to your family and is done year after year, then it qualifies as a tradition. The beauty of family traditions is that it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it is important to your family.
Ask Your Family
If you aren’t sure where to start, ask your family. Talk to your spouse and children about what they think your family traditions are. Ask them what traditions they would like to start. Chances are, you will be surprised by the answers. A friend of mine was worrying about creating traditions for her children. When she talked to her daughter, she discovered that one of her daughter’s cherished memories was a pie she had made the last couple of years at Christmas. It was a recipe she had gotten out of a magazine. She had no idea how much this pie meant to her daughter until she asked.
Think About What You Do Each Year
What things do you and your family do each year at Christmas time? What things make your family the happiest? How would you like to spend your holiday family time? What are some of the things you did with your family as a child that you enjoyed? The answers to these questions will help you to identify family traditions that you should start.
Look Around Your Community
If you are looking for new traditions to start with your family, look around your community to see what activities are available during the holidays. Are there things that you are interested in trying? Is there anything that strikes your family’s fancy? If so, try it out. It could be an easy way to start a new family tradition.
Ideas for Creating New Family Traditions
Not all traditions involve going places. Sometimes, the traditions can be activities you do at home. Or, a tradition could be as simple as new pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. Here are some ideas to help spark your creativity when thinking about new traditions for your own family.
Games or challenges are great possibilities for traditions. You could get the family together to play board games or try a Christmas game. If your family enjoys Christmas music, try playing Name That Christmas Tune. Or if you have a family of cooks, have your own version of a cooking or baking championship. My family has a wrapping challenge tradition. Each year, one of us will come up with a theme and all of us incorporates the theme into our wrapping. One year our theme was snow and ice. This year our theme is “natural.” It’s a way to make wrapping more fun.
Christmas Movies
Another easy Christmas tradition that your family can start is to watch Christmas movies together. Whether you prefer the animated classics or would rather watch A Christmas Story, gather together, pop some popcorn, and make a night of it. It’s amazing how special movie watching can be when you share it with your loved ones.
Christmas Music
Music is a big part of celebrating the Christmas season. If your family loves Christmas music, start a tradition involving music. You could do this in a variety of ways. You could organize a family caroling outing. Your family could sing Christmas songs while decorating the tree. Or you could take a family outing to watch a classic Christmas show, such as the Nutcracker.
Read A Story
Many families share a cherished tradition involving books. On Christmas Eve, the family gathers around and they read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas or A Christmas Carol together. This can be a sweet tradition, especially if you have small children.
Family traditions are very important, especially during the holidays. They have a way of connecting us to our loved ones. They also create some of the best lifelong memories for our children. Creating family traditions doesn’t have to be hard. You just need to find something that your family loves and make it happen year after year. If your family doesn’t have any traditions, this is a great time to start! I hope the above tips and ideas help to inspire you to create some new Christmas traditions for your family! Happy Holidays!