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How to Clean House Fast

Ready to learn how to clean house fast? Maybe you have company coming by in an hour, maybe you have a busy day planned, or perhaps you just want to get it done fast because you hate cleaning – amen! No matter your reason, just know that it can be done. Here are a few tips to get your entire house looking great in a short amount of time.

Get yourself ready

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Schedule an hour where you will be free of distractions. Ideally, it’s when you’re home alone; maybe when the kids are at school and your partner is at work. Put your phone on silent and set it aside – no checking Facebook during your speed cleaning session! Turn on some motivating music and throw on comfortable work clothes. Now you are ready.

Simplify your cleaners and tools

Don’t waste time searching for the right cleaner. Simplify your supplies to a powdered abrasive cleanser, bathroom cleaner, degreasing cleaner, and a glass cleaner – that’s it! For tools you’ll need sponges, paper towels, and gloves if that’s your preference. Invest in a handy carrier bin or tote so that you can easily transport your supplies from room to room.

cleaning supplies

Hit each room once

Start at one end of the house and work your way to the opposite side. The key is to hit every room once without returning until you’re ready to clean all the floors. Keep moving no matter what – it’ll be over faster!

Work from top to bottom

There’s no point in cleaning your floor, only to wipe down your counters and have everything fall onto you shiny floor. So start at the top and work your way down. Dust higher surfaces, wipe down furniture and let everything fall directly on the floor. Cleaning the floors will be your last step.

woman dusting

Clear the clutter

When you’re in a hurry don’t worry about putting away every single piece of clutter. Grab a basket and gather up all the clutter in a room, then set it aside in a closet to deal with later.

Tackle the bathrooms all at once

For bathrooms, clean them all at the same time. Hit each one clearing the counters and spraying the counters, bathtubs, and showers with a bathroom cleaner. Let the cleaner sit while you go back and clean each toilet. Then return to scrub the cleaner you left soaking. Spray and wipe the mirrors last.

Make quick work of the kitchen

The kitchen can be one of the most challenging rooms to clean. Here’s how to do it fast. Load the dishwasher then fill your sink with warm soapy water. Throw in any dishes that didn’t fit in the dishwasher as well as the burners from your stove, if applicable. Wipe down counters, appliances, and cabinets. Finish washing the dishes and burners, and you’re done!

Finish with the floors

When vacuuming carpeted rooms work backward as you move out of the room. For hard floors, vacuuming is faster than sweeping if your vacuum has a hard floor setting. Use a mop with a built-in sprayer to quickly mop all the floors without having to dunk and squeeze a traditional mop in water.

How to Clean House Fast

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