If your bedroom isn’t organized or relaxing, it’s time to get to work to give yourself the room you deserve.

Photo by Lina Verovaya on Unsplash
Why is an organized bedroom important? Ideally, it should serve as a relaxing retreat. When all the stressors of life come at you, work stress, money worries, caring for children etc…, it’s nice to have a physical place – your bedroom – to get away from it all. If you head to your room at the end of the day and are greeted with a pile of laundry to fold, a bunch of the kids’ toys, and a box of donations that need to be dropped off, it’s almost impossible to let go of the stress of the day. When you go to bed at the end of a long day, you should be greeted by a calm, organized, relaxing place to unwind and rest.
Organize your Bedroom
The first thing to do to transform your bedroom is to get rid of anything that doesn’t belong there! If your kids’ toys and books have made their way in, toss them out. Let your kids know that your bedroom is now a toy-free area.
Have you been paying your bills or doing work in your bedroom? If so, stop! How can you relax in a room you were stressing out in earlier? Move any important papers, bills, etc to a different space in your home.
Does your bedroom seem to turn into a “dumping ground” – a space where you put things because you don’t know where they belong? That stops today. Go through anything that doesn’t belong in your room and find a new home for it. If you can’t find a home for it, get rid of it. What about storage? Have you been using your master bedroom closet to store things? Try to find a new place for storing items that have no use in your room.
The idea is to only keep what you use and need in your room. Once you declutter, you’ll find the room feels lighter and airier. It will also be easier to keep it clean and organized since there is less stuff to shift around.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash
Make it Pretty
Now that you’ve decluttered, it’s time to make the bedroom beautiful – to make it a space you really want to spend time in. You don’t need to spend a ton of money, or any money for that matter, on this step. In fact, going overboard buying things for your room might just make it feel cluttered again. Work with what you have to pretty up the room. It’s time to add some artwork and decorative accessories. Take a spin around the other areas in your home and see what you might be able to repurpose in your room. Grab a rug, a few throw pillows, and a candle or two that you love and rehome them.

Photo by Lina Verovaya on Unsplash
Invest the Time
Your organized bedroom is now decluttered and beautifully, and inexpensively, accessorized. Now comes the hard part – maintaining this relaxing space. This step is what will transform your bedroom into a retreat that you look forward to being in after a long day.
Right now, what you have is a clean room with a few pretty things, but if you don’t maintain this new space, in just a few short days, you’ll go back to a messy, disorganized space that stresses you out. Invest time in your bedroom daily. Take a moment or two each day to make the bed and put the throw pillows on. Fold your clean laundry right out of the dryer and put it away. Don’t let toys, work, or storage items creep back in. Dust and vacuum just as regularly as you do any other area in your home. Make this room a priority. You’ll be happily rewarded with a calm, soothing space to end your day.
So often for parents, we put everyone else’s needs first and this can show in the way we treat our bedroom. When we do that, our bedroom can easily become cluttered and disorganized to the point we dread going in there at night. But if we just take a little bit of time and prioritize ourselves and our bedroom, we can create a serene retreat we deserve after a tiring day.