Breakfast can be a hectic time of the day as you try to get your kids off to school, yourself off to work or running errands or both. Cereal might be your current go-to but it doesn’t have to be the only one. By thinking ahead a little, you can give yourself and your family some other options for breakfast that are NOT cereal and will fill you up for more than an hour or two.
Make a big batch of pancakes
When I make pancakes for my family, there are almost always leftovers. I like to put the extras in a zipper bag and put it in the fridge for snacks or breakfast the next morning. We simply pop them in the toaster to heat them up and it also gives the outside a little crisp. Pair this with some eggs and you’ve got a quick breakfast without all the messy bowls and pans. You can also make a big batch of pancakes specifically to save for later.
Overnight Oats
If you don’t have time to make regular oatmeal in the pan, overnight oats are a great option because you can prep them the night before and they are ready to grab out of the fridge and go. They can be eaten hot or cold and the varieties are almost endless depending on your preferences.
Toast with Peanut Butter and Bananas
This was a go-to breakfast of mine when I was in college. I always had these three things in my pantry and a couple pieces filled me up and gave me energy for a few hours. I still have this for breakfast some days when I don’t have time to sit down at the table for breakfast (which is most days, let’s be honest). You could always substitute the peanut butter for other nut butters or go without the bananas on top and take an apple instead.
Yogurt and Granola Parfait
Another of my favorite quick and easy breakfast options is a yogurt and granola parfait. I will sometimes have this as an evening snack as well. It it filling and allows for some variety because you can choose the flavor of yogurt and type of granola. If I have time to cut up some fresh fruit and throw it in, that’s always good, but more often than not I use some dried mixed berries (craisins, blueberries, cherries and strawberries) that I pick up at the store.
Smoothies are the perfect quick and easy breakfast because you can put so many healthy ingredients together, mix them up and (usually) they taste good! Just like many of the other options I’ve shared, smoothies are great because they can be customized for your personal taste preferences, plus you can sneak in some healthy stuff your kids (or spouse) might not eat otherwise. As for our family, we almost always have at least one big bag of frozen fruit in the freezer and we also have spinach in the fridge so smoothies are an option for any meal or snack, not just breakfast.
Protein Shake with Add-Ins
Lastly, if fruity isn’t really your thing, you can always make yourself a protein shake and throw in a few extras, such as bananas or peanut butter. Like the smoothie, this is a super simple grab and go option for breakfast that will give you a break from your cereal slump, plus it will fill you up.
I hope you’ve been inspired to try a few different options for a quick and easy breakfast! I’d love to hear what you like to have for breakfast that isn’t cereal so I can add it to my list!