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5 Tips To Declutter Your Phone

Phones can get messy too and need some organization. You can easily start to clean your device with these 5 tips to declutter your phone.

Declutter Text Messages

If you want to declutter your phone and save some storage space take a look at your texts. Those emoji’s and LOL’s can really add up and make your phone messy and unorganized. If you don’t like to remember to delete old conversations and you aren’t picky about which ones you want to save you can enable auto delete in your settings. Then the next time you find yourself with a few spare moments you can start deleting. It only takes a few minutes to declutter your phone of text messages.

Delete Unneeded Pictures

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We all have them. Multiple pictures of the same shot. Now’s the time to go back through your pictures and pick the best one and then get to deleting the rest. As you review your pictures be sure to look into your messages and review large attachments that may be MORE pictures that you have taking up space on your phone.

Photo by Plann on Unsplash

Reevaluate Apps

I do love a good app. Sometimes it seems like the more the merrier when it comes to adding apps to our phone. Therefore, a main key to decluttering your phone is to reevaluate your app situation. Right after Utah had an earthquake I quickly downloaded an earthquake app. As we were preparing to head to Disneyland I downloaded their app. Yet I haven’t looked at either app in MONTHS. It’s time to start deleting those apps that haven’t been opened in awhile. If deleting feels too permanent or too big of a step then see if your phone has the option to off load apps. Off loading apps allows the app to still appear on your screen and the content is saved but it doesn’t take up so much storage space.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash


When it comes to decluttering your phone evaluating your music is a must. We are often unaware of all the music we store that isn’t being listened to and is taking up space. Many people choose to stream their music and if that is the case for you then you can do some serious decluttering in the music department. The same goes for podcasts. Check and see what you have saved on your phone and then determine if they need to stick around.

Photo by SWAPNIL VASAVE on Unsplash


This is one on my phone that has flown under the radar for YEARS. In fact, it was just the other day that I thought to look at my voicemail history. What I found were many 1-3 sec. voicemails left by people who just hung up. There were a plethora of voicemails from my dear friends the telemarketers. Then of course there were the endearing messages left by my sweet hubby and some from the kiddos. I made quick work of decluttering my voicemail and felt a surprising amount of satisfaction after.

You don’t have to do all 5 tips to declutter your phone at once. They are simple enough to do that the next time you find yourself in a waiting room or waiting in line you can pull your phone out and do a quick declutter instead of wasting time on your phone. Then repeat the 5 tips as needed to keep your phone clean and organized.

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