Making your bed, setting the table, making a sandwich, getting a bowl to pour the cereal, putting the towel back on the rack these are just a few example of chores that many children complete every day.
As a parent, it is important to choose the important and safe chores for your child’s age. Teaching autonomy is so important for a child’s brain development. What are the best chores kids can learn? It is important to remember which chores excite your child and focus on teaching a new skill.
Tips on Choosing Chores for Kids
Remember this is a list of examples of chores that your child can manage at a specific age and ability. Be aware of your child’s maturity level when assigning chores. For example, you can simply demonstrate to a toddler how to pick up toys and put them in a box.
Make it seem like a fun game and show excitement and encouragement. This is an easy way for a toddler to learn a new skill. Feel free to reward with treats or stickers. Showing motivation is helpful and very effective for a child’s confidence.
Moms before you start assigning chores make sure to give specific instructions and use printable chore charts:
- First, demonstrate the chore and give clear instructions.
- Next, let the kids pick the chores they want to do.
- Lastly, always have a physical chart and reward system for encouragement.
In general, every child matures at a different pace so giving your child options helps to develop life skills as well as obedience.
Here is a list of age appropriate chores for your children:
Choose for Kids Age 2-3
- Put your toys in a container
- Wipe the table with a paper towel
- Place dirty dishes in the sink
- Put clothes in a hamper
Chores for Kids Ages 4 – 5
- Set the table for meals
- Clear dishes and place in the sink
- Pour cereal and milk
- Make bed with minimal help of parents
Chores for Kids Age 6-7
- Help make lunch
- Have clothes ready for school
- Help sort laundry for washing
- Empty wastebaskets
Chores for Kids Ages 8 – 9
- Wash your own dishes
- Put away groceries
- Vacuum and sweep
- Folds laundry
Chores for Kids Age 10 and Up
- Prepare simple meals
- Learn to use washer and dryer
- Clean bathroom
- Help to declutter
- Recycling
Lastly, If you are not sure what chores to assign let your child decide on the chores they would like to do around the home and don’t forget to do a demonstration which decreases injuries. Let’s focus on teaching life skills but making it a fun and pleasant experience.