Many moms find themselves in the need of a part-time job to help support their family. Others seek out a part-time gig to get away from the home for a bit because they are normally full-time stay-at-home moms. Either way a part-time job can provide needed supplemental income or social engagement some might need outside of the home. If you find yourself in either of these situations, here are some places to look:
Ask Around
You’d be surprised how good old-fashioned word of mouth can work in a part-time job search. Putting feelers out to girlfriends, at your child’s school or via your spouse’s contacts really can go a long way! By doing this, when a part-time position becomes available at your sister’s best friend’s office or your neighbor’s bookstore, they will think of you. Many people have found great opportunities thanks to someone great in their life looking out for them. This can be applied to seeking out part-time employment.
Be sure to let all of your contacts know exactly what you are looking for so that you can be tipped towards positions that are a fit for your schedule, needs and value. This method of finding a job is you just might be able to secure a position with someone you already know and/or like as a co-worker or boss.
Lesser Known Job Sites
You’ve likely heard of Monster or Indeed. But, there is a plethora of lesser used job searching sites that are more likely to find you a suitable part-time gig.
Just to name a few: your state’s labor department website, Craigslist, and the “jobs” tab on the left side of your Facebook home screen. All of these options will provide you with the tools to do a tailored search for the type of work you want. Also, these will only provide local listings as well. Be sure to check these sites regularly so that you don’t miss out on new opportunities!
Create Your Own Opportunities
Consider beginning your own work-from-home business to create your own part-time opportunity. Try looking inward. What talents do you bring to the table?
Side gigs like crafting, freelancing your specialty and picking up odd jobs are examples of things you can do. Really try to hone in on your talents and things that you genuinely enjoy doing. You never know, your hobby could end up being more profitable than if you were even working full-time at a job you can’t stand! Etsy, Ebay and sites like Freelancer provide entrepreneurs the opportunity to make money and grow their own businesses.
Also be sure to have your resume, previous work references and if applicable, a sharp business plan. If you can afford to wait for the right opportunity, then do so. It’s better to find a position that fits with your life and schedule then trying to coordinate your life around a job.