One of the things that surprised me most about having kids is how much stuff they have! From nursery items to toys and clothes our house got filled up pretty quickly. Because babies continually grow out of their stuff, new stuff keeps coming into your home. Before you know it, baby clutter can take over! Many people want to live a life of simplicity and minimalism but it can seem overwhelming to declutter when your little one has and needs so many things. Also, if you’re planning on having another baby you don’t want to declutter things that you can use again.
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash
What To Keep
The first step in deciding what to declutter is deciding what to hold on to.
Keep the big-ticket items like the crib, the rocking chair, high chair, bathtub, car seat etc… If you have more children down the line, this will save you a lot of money. However, if the car seat is set to expire soon, pass it on so someone can get some use of out it.
Keep just a few favorite toys and let the rest go. If you have another baby, you’ll likely get toys as gifts plus there will continually be hand-me-downs from your firstborn. Plus, the second time around most moms know babies prefer Tupperware and the box that the toy came in more than the actual toy!
Don’t go crazy about saving all the clothes. You don’t know if your child will be the same gender or born in the same season, so some of those clothes might not be used at all. Good items to hang onto are baby pajamas and onesies.
By now you probably realized that babies really like to chew on books so they don’t hold up that long. Keep as many as you like but again, remember that books are a popular gift for a new baby.

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
What To Declutter when you’re planning on more kids
Once you decide what makes sense to hold on to, it’s time to start making decisions about what to get rid of. Where do you start to declutter when you’re planning on another baby?
Nursery decor can clutter up a room so think about ditching artwork, throw pillows, and the like. Keep the basics like sheets and blankets that your next little one will definitely use.
There’s nothing like baby and toddler toys strewn all over to make a house look cluttered. So start tossing. First, get rid of any broken toys or toys with missing pieces. Then, put aside any toys your child just doesn’t seem to play with. Use a toy box or a few bins to decide how many toys you will keep. Starting with your child’s favorites, fill up the box. Once it’s full, get rid of the rest.
Get rid of baby clothes as soon as they grow out of them! The simplest way to do this is to keep a box or basket in your child’s closet marked “outgrown.” Simply toss the item in there as soon as you realize it’s too small. Once your child starts walking, ditch the shoes. Many podiatrists suggest that it’s a bad idea for children to wear hand-me-down shoes.
My family loves books so I have a difficult time parting with ours. But, books do cause a lot of clutter and it does take a long time to put all the books away. So save yourself some cleaning and pick up time by doing a big bookshelf declutter. And remember, there are always new books at the library!

Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash
What To Do With The Declutter Pile
There are plenty of places to sell lightly used baby gear, toys, and clothes. You can sell them on social media sites, consignment stores, outgrown sales, or a yard sale. Making a little money on your items makes it a lot easier to let those things go.
There are also plenty of places to donate your items. If you have mom friends or family members who are expecting, ask them if they could use some hand-me-downs. Check out local crisis pregnancy centers, women’s shelters, or churches in your area to see if they would like your donations. Or, you can call Green Drop; they will come to your house to pick up your donations and you can select which charity you would like them to go to.
Decluttering with a baby at home can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. And remember, as they get older, their stuff will get smaller and take up less room! Now that you know what to declutter when you’re planning on another baby, get started!