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What Can I Put In My Mop Water To Make My House Smell Good?

Have you ever walked into someone’s home only to be greeted with clean and pleasant smells? This may leave you wondering whether your house smells as good and what you can do to create a welcoming and pleasant scent for your guests. What can you put in your mop water to make your home smell good?

Oils such as Lavender, Wild orange, Lemon, Tea Tree, Pine, and Peppermint have effective cleaning properties and will leave your home smelling good. Grapefruit, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, and Thyme essential oils in your mop water will effectively clean your floors, leaving a pleasant smell in your home.

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Most store-bought floor cleaners contain harmful chemicals, so why not make your own solution for your mop water to leave your house smelling hygienic and clean? If you’re looking for some of the best ways to make your house smell good after mopping, this article is for you!

mop and bucket

Using Your Mop Water To Make Your House Smell Good

If you think about your favorite smells, harsh chemical smells will probably be at the bottom of your list. 

Commercial floor cleaners have a distinct chemical smell that will stick around in your home for short periods, and they don’t always have a pleasant smell. 

Not only are these commercial fragrant cleaners filled with harmful chemicals, but their cost is simply too high. 

Therefore, by using other ingredients, such as essential oils you might already have in your home, you’ll create a strong and long-lasting scent in your home that will be easier on your budget and won’t be harmful to you or the environment you live in.

Essential Oils In Mop Water To Make Your House Smell Good

Did you know that different essential oils have different cleaning properties? The same goes for other household cleaners. It largely depends on what you need to clean with your mop water and what smells you want to release in your home! 

Let’s take a look:

Putting Lavender Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

If you love the sweet smell of Lavender in your home, you’ll be happy to hear you only need a few drops of Lavender in your mop water to transfer the smell to the rest of your home. 

Lavender doesn’t only smell good in any home, but it’s also antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, and an effective insect repeller. On top of this, lavender oil is also cost-effective and readily available.

To use Lavender essential oils to turn your mop more ware into an effective and fragrant floor cleaner, you’ll need about 5 to 10 drops of oil along with 4 cups of hot water. 

You may also add a teaspoon of liquid dish soap to get the satisfying foaming action on your floor and half a cup of rubbing alcohol to fight any germs.

Putting Wild Orange Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Another popular ingredient in loads of household cleaners is orange. Citrus is known to make the floor sparkling clean, and when you use the essential oil in your mop water, you are sure to have a long-lasting clean fragrance throughout your home. 

Wild Orange essential oil is a natural germ fighter, is antibacterial and antifungal, and can easily lift any grease or glue that may be stuck on your floors. 

If you simply add one or two drops of Wild Orange essential oil in a gallon of water, along with some rubbing alcohol and dishwashing soap, you’ll see the orange working its magic on your floors. 

Wild orange essential oil is also packed with sweetness and freshness! You’ll enjoy walking into your home if your floors are freshly mopped with this solution!

Putting Lemon Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

You may be familiar with the clean and enlightening scent of lemon. If you love lemons, you can mix the essential oil with your mop water to grab the good smell in your home! Lemon essential oil is a huge component of many household cleaning recipes. 

Lemon is naturally antiviral, antibacterial by default, refreshing, and of course, smells great! All you need to create the perfect bucket of fragrant mop water is one gallon of hot water, along with some dishwashing soap and ten drops of your lemon essential oil. 

By only using these three elements, you can clean any oily or greasy floors and get rid of stains without breaking the bank on commercial floor cleaners. Additionally, if your floor has an unpleasant smell, the lemon essential oil will fix these smells instantly!

Putting Tea Tree Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Tea tree oil is used for many things, including skincare and health purposes, and is a highly effective and potent-smelling cleaning agent. 

Use tea tree essential oil in your mop water to pair a clean home with one of the best smells. Tea tree oil can fight against bacteria, viruses, and other germs, making your home a safe and healthy space. 

Suppose you have any foreign or bad odors in your home coming from your kitchen waste, bin, or anything else. In that case, tea tree essential oil can also help you with that. 

To effectively use tea tree essential oil in your mop water, mix 10 to 15 drops with water and mop away! By mopping your home’s floors with tea tree oil, you will eliminate odors and disinfect the surface to make it child- or pet-friendly. 

Tea tree essential oil can fight and lift mildew and mold effortlessly while preventing any fungal compounds. As you can see, there are many benefits of using tea tree essential oil in your mopwater, and it will do so much more than just leave your home smelling great!

Putting Pine Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Pine essential oil is a highly effective disinfectant in your home, and on top of drops in your mopwater, you can use them on your kitchen counter and even in your bathroom! You simply need to add 50 drops of essential pine oil into a gallon of hot water and mop away! 

If you prefer, you can mix your essential pine oil with dishwashing soap to put some sparkle on your floor’s surface!

Putting Peppermint Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Peppermint essential oil is used for many things, so why not add them to your mop water? Many people use peppermint essential oil to clean their homes, as it’s a natural spider, ant, and other small insect repellant. 

Peppermint essential oil won’t only release a refreshing, invigorating smell in your home but also has antibacterial properties, which are crucial for a clean and healthy home. 

All you need is 5 to 10 drops of peppermint essential oil, with about one and a half cups of hot water. You may also add dishwashing soap to remove stubborn residue build-up or grease stains on your floors!

Putting Grapefruit Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

While the smell of grapefruit may smell enticing in your mop water, the smell won’t stop there. Grapefruit essential oil has a long-lasting effect on your home, and you only need a few ingredients to turn it into an effective cleaner. 

Along with one gallon of steaming water, four tablespoons of baking soda, and 10 to 15 drops of grapefruit essential oil will do the trick! 

Baking soda eliminates harsh and stubborn stains on any floor surface and kills any germs and bacteria. If you want the best value out of your grapefruit essential oil, why not wipe your kitchen counter with the solution before using it to mop your home? 

Grapefruit has great bacteria and mildew elimination properties, and it will leave your kitchen smelling great along with the rest of your home too!

Putting Eucalyptus Oil In Your Mop Water

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most successful and well-known essential oils on the market. Eucalyptus essential oil is cost-effective and readily available, and there is something deeply soothing about its smell in your home, which is exactly what makes this cleaner so popular! Eucalyptus oil is often used in beauty treatments and spas, so your home will seem more relaxing than ever! 

On top of this, eucalyptus essential oil has many cleaning compounds, such as being a natural disinfectant, and I’ll degrease your floors, leaving them smooth and shiny! 

To use eucalyptus essential oil as an organic cleaner, you can combine 5 to 10 drops with half a cup of boiling water from your kettle. 

Add roughly one and a half cups of baking soda and half a cup of unscented dish soap to create your own effective floor cleaner. 

Many prefer to add about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to this recipe, as it will assist in disinfecting any germs and bacteria even further.

Putting Cinnamon Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Cinnamon oil won’t only create a comforting and warm aroma in your home, but when you use a few drops of this oil in your mopwater, it’ll help eliminate any bad smells naturally. 

A cinnamon essential oil can help you ward off pests in your home, as pests dislike the smell you will enjoy on your floors! 

Cinnamon will help to fight against the growth of mildew and mold and exhibits antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which are crucial for any clean and fragrant home.

Putting Thyme Essential Oil In Your Mop Water

Thyme oil has strong cleaning properties along with a calming scent. Thyme has strong antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it perfect for your mopwater to clean your floors and spread the scent throughout your home. 

Simply pour ten to fifteen drops in hot water, and make your house smell like never before!

Safety Information About Using Essential Oils In Mop Water

Although essential oils are perfect for placing in your mop water to make your home smell hygienic and clean, you must keep a few crucial things in mind. Essential oils should never be taken internally, and if they come into direct contact with your skin if not correctly diluted, they could cause allergic reactions. 

Always dilute your chosen essential oil in water before using it on your floors, and use them with caution if you have any pets. Even the tiniest amounts could be toxic to them, as a scent that may be mild and pleasant to the human nose could be potent and cause health concerns in pets. 

It would therefore be best to check with your local vet before using essential oils in your home, especially on your floors, as they could cause skin irritation in dogs. 

Keep in mind that you need to store your essential oils in a safe place where pets and children can’t get hold of it, as essential oils are toxic to pets and children, and when ingested, action should be taken immediately.

Additionally, if you are pregnant or have particular health concerns or conditions, essential oils might not be the ideal choice in your home. Even if you do your best to dilute essential oils as stated on the label correctly, the potent smell could also harm you.

Lastly, always purchase organic essential oils as far as possible. This is especially crucial if you use them in your home and your mop water. Always check the label on your chosen essential oil bottle. Ideally, it should say the oil is 100% pure and organic.

 You would also want the ingredients on the label to list only the essential oil, as many manufacturers cut essential oils with other oils or preservatives. 

This way, you can rest assured knowing your essential oil won’t contain any synthetic counterparts and has not been diluted or mixed with unknown substances.

What is the best non toxic cleaner to add to mop water for hardwood floors 

When it comes to cleaning hardwood floors, it’s important to choose a non-toxic cleaner that will effectively remove dirt and grime without causing any damage. One of the best options is a homemade solution using natural ingredients.

To make this cleaning solution, you’ll need a few simple ingredients that you may already have at home. 

Start by combining equal parts of distilled white vinegar and warm water in a bucket. Vinegar is a great natural cleaner that helps to break down dirt and residue on the surface of the hardwood floors without harming them.

The warm water will help to dilute the vinegar and make it safe for use on the floors. 

Next, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture for a pleasant scent. Essential oils like lavender, lemon, or tea tree oil not only add a refreshing fragrance but also have antibacterial properties that can help to sanitize your floors.

Be sure to choose pure and organic essential oils to avoid any synthetic additives or preservatives.

Once you have your homemade cleaner ready, dip a mop or microfiber cloth into the solution and wring out any excess liquid. You want the mop head or cloth to be damp, not soaking wet, as excessive moisture can damage the hardwood floors. 

Gently mop the floors, moving in the direction of the wood grain to avoid any streaks or damage. Take care not to leave any standing liquid on the floors, as this can also cause damage. 

After mopping, allow the floors to air dry completely before walking on them again. This will ensure that the floors are left clean and streak-free. 

By using this non-toxic homemade cleaner, you can be confident that you are effectively cleaning your hardwood floors without exposing yourself or your family to harmful chemicals and you won’t be damaging those beautiful floors. 

What’s the best thing to add to mop water for when cleaning laminate floors? 

Rubbing alcohol can be another good thing to add to your mop water when cleaning laminate flooring.

It doesn’t smell as nicely as just the essential oils do, but rubbing alcohol and clean water are great for killing viruses, mold, bacteria, fungi and other grungy things you don’t want hanging around on your clean floors. 

You can always add some essential oils to the water to make it smell better.

What’s the best thing to add to mop water when cleaning tile floors? 

When it comes to cleaning tile floors, there are a few different options for what to add to your mop water. One popular choice is white vinegar.

Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can help to remove dirt and grime from your tile floors. Another option is hydrogen peroxide, which is also a great disinfectant and can help to brighten your tiles.

Additionally, you can add a few drops of dish soap to your mop water for an extra boost of cleaning power on your ceramic tile. Just be sure to rinse your floors thoroughly after using any of these cleaning solutions to avoid leaving behind any residue.

Tips to remember when mixing mop water

  • It is crucial to change the water in your mop bucket frequently no matter what flooring type you have. It doesn’t matter if it still smells good or not, slopping dirty water around the house doesn’t give you clean floors. 
  • Any time you’re cleaning, you need to keep cleaning safety in mind. Mixing chemicals can result in various bad things and may even become toxic. It’s important to remember that even though bleach isn’t always considered non toxic, it can be a common ingredient that people choose to clean with. When bleach is combined with vinegar, it produces chlorine gas. Mixing bleach with ammonia, which can be found in various cleaners like Windex, forms a toxic substance called Chloramine. Additionally, the combination of bleach and rubbing alcohol creates a highly toxic solution known as chloroform. While keeping it simple in cleaning is generally what you want to do, it is important to double check the compatibility of ingredients before mixing them together.
  • Be sure to wring out any excess water before using the mop.

Can you use lemon juice in mop water when cleaning the floors? 

Yes, you can use lemon juice in mop water when cleaning the floors. Lemon juice is a natural and effective cleaner that can help remove stains and freshen up your floors.

It has antibacterial properties and leaves a refreshing citrus scent behind. To use lemon juice in mop water, simply dilute it with water and add it to your mop bucket.

However, be cautious when using lemon juice on certain types of floors, such as marble or hardwood, as the acidity of the lemon juice may cause damage. It’s always a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area before using any new cleaning solution. 

Can you use olive oil to clean the floors with?  

Yes, you could use olive oil to clean some floors. Olive oil is a natural and gentle cleaner that can help remove dirt and grime while also adding shine to your floors.

To use olive oil as a floor cleaner, mix it with vinegar or lemon juice in a spray bottle and spritz onto the floor. Then, use a damp mop or cloth to wipe away the solution.

Be sure to also spot test any new cleaning solutions on your floors before using them extensively on the entire floor. Also be careful how much oil you add as too much can make your floors extra slippery. 

Is olive oil safe on wood flooring? 

Yes, olive oil is generally safe to use on wood flooring. However, it is important to use it sparingly and to do a spot test in an inconspicuous small area before using it extensively.

Wood floors are porous and can absorb excess oil, which can lead to a greasy residue and make the floors slippery.

I wouldn’t suggest this to be your primary mopping solution. 

What’s a good homemade floor cleaner for a steam mop to clean floors with? 

A good homemade floor cleaner for a steam mop is a mixture of vinegar and water. Vinegar is a versatile and natural cleaner that can effectively remove dirt and grime from your floors.

To make the floor cleaner, simply mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to combine the ingredients.

When using the steam mop, spray the vinegar and water mixture onto the floor and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use the steam mop to clean the floors as usual. The vinegar will help to disinfect and deodorize the floors, leaving them clean and fresh.

Just be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions for your steam mop to ensure that using vinegar is compatible with your specific model. You can use other homemade cleaners if this vinegar solution isn’t for you. 

What’s the best kind of mop for cleaning floors with? 

The best kind of mop for cleaning floors depends on the type of flooring you have and your personal preference. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Traditional mop and bucket: This classic combination of typical string mop and bucket is great for deep cleaning and scrubbing stubborn stains. It typically consists of a cotton or microfiber mop head attached to a handle, which is then dipped into a bucket filled with a water and cleaning solution mixture. The mop head can be easily wrung out to control the amount of moisture on the floor.

2. Spin mop: A spin mop is a convenient choice for those who prefer a hands-free wringing experience. It typically has a built-in wringer mechanism, allowing you to easily remove excess water from the mop head by pushing a pedal or using a handle-operated spinner. This type of mop is ideal for quick and efficient cleaning, especially on hard floors.

3. Steam mop: If you’re looking for a mop that can not only clean but also sanitize your floors, a steam mop might be the best option. Steam mops use the power of steam to remove dirt and grime, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals. They are particularly effective on hard floors like tile, laminate, and hardwood. However, it’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure compatibility with your specific flooring type.

4. Spray mop: A spray mop is a convenient choice for regular maintenance cleaning. It features a built-in spray mechanism that allows you to dispense cleaning solution directly onto the floor as you mop. This type of mop is lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it suitable for small spaces and quick clean-ups.

5. Sponge mop: A sponge mop is a traditional and affordable option for cleaning floors. It features a sponge head attached to a handle, which can be wrung out to control the amount of water used while mopping. Sponge mops are best suited for smooth, non-porous floors like linoleum or vinyl.

When choosing a mop, consider both the type of flooring you have and your personal preferences.

Make sure to also check the durability and quality of the material to ensure that your mop will last through multiple uses.

In the end, the best kind of mop for cleaning floors is one that suits your needs, preferences, and the specific requirements of your flooring. It’s always a good idea to consider factors like ease of use, effectiveness, and compatibility with your cleaning products.

Tips for Caring for Your Mop

After selecting the right mop for your needs, it’s important to properly care for and maintain it. Here are some tips for keeping your mop in top condition:

1. Rinse after use: After each use, rinse off any dirt or debris from the mop head. This will prevent any build-up and keep your mop clean for the next use.

2. Wash regularly: Depending on how often you use your mop, it’s recommended to wash the mop head at least once a week. You can either hand wash it with hot soapy water or toss it in the washing machine.

3. Dry completely: After washing, make sure to thoroughly dry the wet mop before storing it away. This will prevent any mold or mildew growth and ensure that your mop is ready for its next use.

4. Replace when needed: Just like any other cleaning tool, mops have a limited lifespan. When you start to notice wear and tear on your mop head, it’s time to replace it with a new one for best results.

Common Mopping Questions 

How often should you mop?

The frequency of mopping depends on several factors, such as the amount of foot traffic in your home, the presence of pets or children, and your personal preferences. In general, it’s recommended to mop high-traffic areas, such as the kitchen and bathroom, at least once a week.

However, if you have pets or children, you may need to mop more frequently to keep your floors clean and hygienic.

Additionally, if you notice spills or stains, it’s best to address them promptly and mop as needed.

In the end, the frequency of mopping will vary from household to household, so it’s important to find a realistic cleaning schedule that works best for you. 

Should you use two different buckets when mopping your floors? 

When mopping your floors, using two different buckets can be a beneficial practice. It helps to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of dirt and bacteria.

One bucket can be used to hold clean water and the good smelling cleaning solution, while the other bucket can be used to rinse out the dirty water and mop head. This ensures that you are not transferring dirty water back onto the floor while mopping. 

By using separate buckets, you can achieve a more thorough and effective cleaning. Remember to change the water in the rinse bucket regularly to avoid cross-contamination.

Overall, using two different buckets when mopping your floors is a good idea to achieve cleaner and more hygienic results.

However, if you only have one cleaning bucket, it’s not the end of the world and you can still get clean floors, it just may take longer since you’ll need to change the water in it even more frequently.

Should you wipe down or air dry your mopped floors? 

When it comes to drying your mopped floors, whether to wipe them down or air dry them depends on your personal preference and the type of flooring you have. Wiping down the floors with a clean, dry cloth after mopping can help to remove any excess moisture and leave a streak-free finish.

This method is particularly useful for glossy or sensitive surfaces that may show water spots or streaks if left to air dry. On the other hand, some people prefer to let their floors air dry naturally.

This can be a convenient option if you’re short on time or if you have a large area to mop.

However, keep in mind that air drying may leave behind water marks or streaks on certain types of flooring. It’s also important to ensure good ventilation in the room to prevent the formation of mold or mildew.

The choice between wiping down or air drying your mopped floors is up to you and what works best for your specific situation. Experiment with both methods to find the one that gives you the desired results.

The Key to Great Smelling Mop Water

Using essential oils in your mop water will guarantee a pleasant and good smell throughout your home. Different essential oils are effective cleaners in different ways, and they will help you to achieve that pleasant and clean home that’s sure to blow your guests away!

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